Sundial Compass

The introduction of sundial compass was due to the high price of pocket watch and its fragility. The earliest compass introduced are the obelisks and shadow clocks founded in 3500 BC and 1500 BC. Since then many changes are don in the dial design. As the name implies, this watch works by showcasing the accurate position of the sun through shadow cast, which is then used to measure the time of the day. The sundial compass provided by us including Antique Brass Heavy Maritime Sundial Compass Tripod, Beautiful Solid Brass Desktop Sundial Compass and Vintage Sand Timer With Tortoise Compass, distinct by design. Each of the design is unique in its own. The common parts of these compass are mounting base, dial plate and gnomon mount indicator. The additional parts can be compass bezel, and a time of year calibration chart. The material used for making mounting base include one or more of paper, cardboard, PET, PP, PETE, HDPE, PVC, polystyrene, LDPE, etc.