THORINSTRUMENTS Beautiful Heavy Duty Tripod floor Lamp Vintage Ship Lamp Replica

Item model number : KG195

Part Number : KG195

  • Made of Aluminum Chrome Plated
  • Height of the Stand = 44.48in (113cm ) Extended height of the Stand = 54.33in (138cm)
  • Size of the Fixture = 14.56in x 15.74in x 16.53in (37cm x 40cm x 42cm)
  • Diameter of the fixture = 9.96in (25.3cm) Total Height of the light with Stand 60in

Product description

Size of the Fixture = 14.56in x 15.74in x 16.53in (37cm x 40cm x 42cm) Diameter of the fixture = 9.96in (25.3cm) Weight of the fixture 7.92kg (17.42lbs) Height of the Stand = 44.48in (113cm ) Extended height of the Stand = 54.33in (138cm) Weight of the Stand 4.2kg (9.24lbs) Total Height of the light with Stand 60 Total Weight of the light with Stand 5.50lbs (12.12kg)